Living at 100%


I’m A Steam Punk & Sci-Fi Lovin Dogmom Who Loves Hanging at Home with the Furkids.

I’ve figured some stuff out in my life and I hope I can save you some time and share my experiences.

Meet The Pack

Also referred to as ‘My Kids’, the pack currently consists of 6 dogs and 3 cats. And lucky for you, I never tire of taking pictures and videos of them.

Max was adopted from a shelter in South Carolina with Pepper.

His age is estimated at about 13… or so.

Pepper, adopted with Max from a shelter in South Carolina.

She’s about 9 and kind of runs the pack.

Nyota came from Idaho. She’s a bit neurotic but we love her.

She is about 12.

Trey, adopted from that same shelter in South Carolina.

He has quite a story to share. He’s about 16 this year.

Kato came from a local place as a kitten in 2017.

He is 7

Leia, adopted from a local Black Hills shelter with her best friend, Hondo.

These two are an interesting story and as they are our latest joiners to the pack, I have a section dedicated to them.

Hondo, adopted from a local Black Hills shelter with Leia.

He is 5? Yeah, that’s not said with confidence. But I have a page dedicated to the two of them.

Marcel, caught with his brother at about 5 weeks old.

These guys were feral. I caught them in Oct of 2022.

Marceau, brother of Marcel.

I really need a few more recent pics of these two. They are a year old now.