I’m finally doing it. I’ve finally gotten to the point where I must recognize that if I want to ENJOY my website projects, I need a whole lot less of them.

So, I’m offering all but six for sale. And I’ve priced them at a fraction of the price they are valued at if you do a search for “domain value”.

I know one place that comes up is GoDaddy, and I slashed the prices heavily from what they value these domains at.

AdoptedDogMom.com $250
ApproachingSilver.com $150
SilverAgents.com $150
BasicPodcasting.com $200
SimpleStarterWebsite.com $200
BlackHillsLawnsandgardens.com $200
BlackHillsDogMom.com $200
BlackHillsAmbassador.com $200
BlackHillsSpiritsandLore.com $200
BlackHillsPersonalAssistants.com. $200
OurCrushpad.com $100
TheTinyEmpire.com $150
YourVirtualEmpire.com $200
YourTinyEmpire.com $150
Dachia.net $300
Dachia.org $300
Shelterdogmom.com $150